Happy Malaysia Day 2022! Our third newsletter is now out. Read to learn more about our business and keep updated on GML's progress.
Happy Malaysia Day 2022! Our third newsletter is now out. Read to learn more about our business and keep updated on GML's progress.
Aaron Pang, shares rare insights about his role and responsibility as a Quality Control Manager in Gemilang which directly affects the lives of people using public transport around the world.
Interview in Bahasa Malaysia / Kosmo / 6 June 2022 - “GML terkenal sebagai syarikat perintis bagi pengeluaran badan bas aluminium mesra alam di rantau Asia Pasifik"
Selamat Hari Raya! Our second newsletter is now out. Read to learn more about our business and keep updated on GML's progress.
Gemilang Coachwork won contract that will strengthen its footprint in Central Asia.
Our first newsletter is now out! Read to check out some of our upcoming projects and exciting prospects for 2022!